What is a SQZin Link?
A SQZin is a special link that contains your call-to-action along with the source link you want to share. For example, this is a SQZin link http://sqzin.com/...
Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 at 6:25 PM
How do I make changes to a SQZin Link?
Click on the EDIT button under each link in your dashboard. a new edit page will open and you can modify the link, once you finish click the "UPDATE&qu...
Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 at 6:26 PM
What is a Call-to-Action?
Call-to-Actions contain your message and action link along with your design. Any changes you make to  a Call-to-Action will apply to all SQZin links assign ...
Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 at 6:26 PM
How to see the SQZin Analytics?
The activities on all your SQZin links are tracked and measured by our internal analytics reports. The data we collect include views,clicks, conversions, g...
Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 at 6:31 PM
How do I check Analytics for SQZin Links?
Step 1: Go to your SQZin Links section in your  dashboard Step 2: Click the "CLICKS" button near to the SQZin link  that you wish to see statisics...
Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 at 6:33 PM
How To Share SQZin Links
Once you create your SQZin link automatically you will see the share buttons to Facebook and Twitter. As well every SQZin page will have a sharing buttons to...
Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 at 6:34 PM
How to integrate media pages with my email autoresponder?
Step 1: Create new "Media Page" Step 2: Select "Embed" type Step 3: Enter your embed code in the "Media Container" field. Step ...
Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 at 6:38 PM
Retargeting With SQZin
Step 1: Squeeze a link Step 2: on Last step you can add you pixels Step 3: Paste in your custom script or retargeting pixel which have been provided by your...
Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 at 6:40 PM
How can I change my password?
To change your password, login into your SQZin dashboard and click on "SETTINGS" Enter your new password and confirm it again. once you done just c...
Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 at 6:42 PM